Satan's Little Helper
Pat "Take him out" Robertson shoots his mouth off again (and unfortunately, he still hasn't made sure to use a loaded gun when doing so.)
In a deliberate case of "making shit up because no one will call me on it" the 700 KKKlub fixture attributes flings the following load of horseshit in an attempt to smear the Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church & State:
ROBERTSON: Barry [Lynn] is -- Barry says that if a church is burning down, the local community could not send the fire engine to put the fire out because that would violate, quote, separation of church and state. He is fanatical.
Strangely enough, he was discussing the latest fundamentalist straw-man du jour - the so-called "War on Christmas" with that most inescapable of shrill weirdos... John "8 to the noggin" Gibson.
Rev. Lynn, however calls "bullshit" with the following smackdown on old Pat's doddering arse:
Robertson, for example, continues to tell national television audiences that I believe that a public fire department can't go to a burning church without violating the separation of church and state. He apparently uses this "anecdote" to demonstrate my radical, wacky beliefs.
Trouble is (for him), I never said it and don't believe it. Journalists who have heard the claim and bothered to research the point fail to find evidence of me saying it. The reason is that fictional attributions don't show up in Internet news databases.
And really, considering the things he says, would we have to slap a turban on Robertson and overdub his audio with the flailings of Osama bin Laden or some of those crazy sheiks who advocate that all sorts of bad things befall us before someone called him out for what he really is:
...just another hate-filled, deranged, radical cleric.
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