cRaptured Away

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" --Voltaire

Thursday, December 08, 2005

inversely proportional

The degree to which right-wing evangelical "Christians" feel oppressed is inversely proportional to their ability to oppress others

The inevitable conclusion of this whole "war on christmas" horseshit that the fundies keep trotting out is that they'll inspire enough of a backlash against them that it will, at least superficially, resemble a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The tendency of anyone out there to openly mock the season has a fuckload less to do with some "secular progressive" hatred towards Christianity and a LOT to do with pissing off profesional whiners like this Prelutsky assclown or loose-cannon-douchebag Bill O'Reilly

And speaking of Falafel Bill:

Come on, Bitch, bring me The Horror



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