Maybe we could call it "Ass-clown Roulette"
Some mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging right-wing jackoff named Brian James over at local Nazi-radio shit-hole KFYI made remarks last night encouraging the idea of randomly killing border crossers.
What we’ll do is randomly pick one night - every week - where we will kill whoever crosses the border. Step over there and you die. You get to decide whether it’s your lucky night or not. I think that would be more fun…[I’d be] happy to sit there with my high-powered rifle and my night scope.
Well, Hey, Brian, I've got an idea, how about if someone with a high-powered rifle and a night-scope was to, once a week, randomly select a wingnut radio station and play a little Ass-cLown roulette whenever you or one of your colleagues or peers at your station or another one like it was coming off shift... I think that would be fun...don't you?
(NOTE: Unlike Mr. James, I actually AM JUST KIDDING... unlike that shitbag i am not stupid enough to publicly advocate that sort of crime and if i was serious about having harm come to such a punk-ass bitch as Brian James, you can bet your ass i wouldn't be saying anything like this out loud)