cRaptured Away

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" --Voltaire

Thursday, December 08, 2005

maybe that should be "WTF is Wrong with Kansas?"

Apparently in Kansas, the deep, abounding love of Jesus Christ is spread by way of blunt-force trauma to the head and body

To wit:

A Kansas college professor at the center of a controversy over a course on creationism and intelligent design said Monday that he was beaten by two men.

University of Kansas religious studies professor Paul Mirecki said he was attacked along a rural road early Monday and that the attackers referred to the class. He said he confronted two men who had been tailgating him.

Mirecki said he was beaten on the head, shoulders and back with fists, and possibly a metal object.

He told the Lawrence Journal-World that he didn't know the attackers but is sure they know him.

Of course in the world of Coulterite mouth-breathing fucktards, being subject to verbal mockery is infinitely less tolerable than committing violent assaults on your detractors

The professor asked the university to cancel the class after he sent an e-mail to a student organization in which he mocked Christian fundamentalists.

He has since apologized.

Yeah, Annie, i've got your baseball bat right here, you dieased piece of shit.


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