Sorry, man, but i have to call "Bullshit" here.
In a move that is so very NOT rock-and-roll, Moby suggests that Eminem has blood on his hands because some dumbassed fan decided to emulate the concepts in the song "Stan."
Now, musically, I'm a much bigger Moby fan than i am an Eminem fan....and by a damn sight too.
But the constant insinuation by some people, whether it be Jerry Falwell, Bob "will no-one exorcise my demons of stupidity" Larson, Joe Lieberman, Tipper Gore or Moby that the music/movie/videogame is more responsible for the actions of any number of unbalanced asshole than the unbalanced assholes themselves is just stupid.
I was getting into fights long before i ever played Mortal Kombat, my period of suicidal teenage depression couldn't possibly have been caused by the 40's and 50's era jazz i was listening to at the time and if it had been during my heavy-metal phase, i'd have offed myself when i was 13, and even though i've listened to any number of outrageously misogynist songs in my life, me and most people have never let it influence us into mistreating women.
And since a solid majority of my friends since i was a teenager have been gay (they're still all gay, even if not all of them are still necessarily my friends - i point that out so that Wacko Jim Dobson and his "Ex-gay" proponents will start foaming at the mouth) i can safely attest that the homophobia expressed in some of the songs in my music library has not rubbed off on me either.
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