Emperor George W. Chimpy-McWhistle-ass just signed a law stating that anyone posting
annoying web posts, messages or e-mails must do so with their actual name.
The language was slipped into an unrelated piece of legislation as part of a reauthorization of funding to DOJ.
There was better language previously in place as part of an anti-stalking statute, but the basic gist of this new language seems to be that the anonymous expression of controvertsial and potentially "annoying" opinions (though precisely what constitutes "annoying" is not clearly defined if at all) could now be criminlaized
Here's what i have to say to that:
Fuck you, George, I ain't gonna,
Fuck your mouth-breathing, kool-aid drinking apologists, your cabinet members, and most of all, fuck your misguided worshipers who revere you as if you were God's chosen President.
In fact, fuck them most of all, they are all loads their mothers should have swallowed.
With that said, the gauntlet is thrown down:
now come get me you subliterate sack of shit son of a sociopathic silver gorilla.
come on, send me a team of the finest federal Brownshirts that Abu Gonzales can muster.
See if i don't actually decide to take that asshole G. Gordon Liddy's advice.
May your terriers conjugate on your leg, you testimony to the possibility of rectal gestation.
The Crapture
(clearly not my real name)
The Crapture